The Way

The Way

Warren Leroi Johns

23,64 €
IVA incluido
Genesis File
Año de edición:
23,64 €
IVA incluido
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  'The Way' is neither fantasy nor science fiction. In a world overwhelmed by collapsing cultures, the truth about God, the Creator of all life, offers hope. Seven billion humans are both combatants and casualties in a spiritual war pitting good v. evil on battlefield Earth. Johnthe Revelator reveals the origin of hostilities. 'And there was war in heaven. Michael and Hisangels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.But he was not strong enough and they lost their place in heaven.  'The great dragon was hurled down---thatancient serpent called the devil or Satan who leads the whole world astray. Hewas hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.' Revelation12:7-9.    TheGod of justice and love did not destroy Lucifer, the father of lies,immediately. Had he done so, created beings would be motivated to serve Him byfear and Satan would have claimed as true, his accusation that God was atyrant. Instead, Lucifer, with his rebels, was banished to Planet Earth todemonstrate the lethal consequences of Satanic fraud. Millenniums of physicaland spiritual carnage continues playing center stage, in the 'Theater ofthe Universe.' On-going cosmic conflict, between good and evil, iswriting script for the final act.Syntheticorganice chemistry confirms it is impossible for life to create itself fromnon-living matter. Given this scientific reality, biological evolution is leftwithout a starting point. Charles Darwin admitted his speculations were nottrue science. He had no clue as to how any form of life could have createditself from non-living matter. Darwin speculated that some simple form of life came into existence by accident of nature and then, over millions of years evolved into all forms of complex plant and animal life by means of natural selection. Still, Darwin had no clue as to what composed a simple cell. Not only did he consider a living cell to be nothing more than a blob of protoplasm, he had no idea that every living cell contains a DNA code that dictates design. 3

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