Cosmic War

Cosmic War

Cosmic War

Warren Leroi Johns

45,49 €
IVA incluido
Warren L. Johns
Año de edición:
45,49 €
IVA incluido
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Cosmic War is neither fantasy nor science fiction. Triggered by spiritual conflict, its collateral damage is physical. The seven billion humans residing on Planet Earth are both combatants and casualties, certain to lose their lives on the battlefield barring direct intervention by the God of the Universe!            Life did not create itself accidentally from non-living matter.            Humans, created in God’s own image and vested with free wills, could choose to show personal loyalty to God by avoiding a tree with poison fruit that would eventually kill them and devastate Earth’s pristine ecosystem.Some contend the war is only “spiritual.”  In reality, every bullet fired, bomb dropped, and pain-wracked death is palpable, collateral damage, triggered by the pervasive Cosmic War raging between good and evil.            Contempt for the truth about God pervades corrupt cultures. Agents of evil arrogantly deny God’s existence, defame His character of love, and introduce pagan cults that worship the sun, money and power as gods.            Through His Son, God offers human beings a Plan B.  Those with a sense of right tugging at their hearts respond by forgiving enemies and serving the needs of others. Before evil succeeds in destroying all life on battlefield Earth but after the ultimate consequences of sin is obvious, Christ will return and Satan will be destroyed. All who have believed God, kept His commandments, and voluntarily chosen to enlist in His triumphant army of the faithful, will be rewarded with life eternal. “At this moment it seems as though science will never be ableto raise the curtain on the mystery of creation. For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance;he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himselfover the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologianswho have been sitting there for centuries.”Robert Jastrow (1925-2008) NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

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