Thoughts Out of Season

Thoughts Out of Season

Friedrich Nietzsche

15,61 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Educación pedagogía
15,61 €
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Thoughts Out of Season is a classic German philosophy text by the great German philosopher, Freidrich Nietzsche.This philosophy classic contains this snippet: To the reader who knows Nietzsche, who has studied his Zarathustra and understood it, and who, in addition, has digested the works entitled Beyond Good and Evil, The Genealogy of Morals, The Twilight of the Idols, and The Antichrist,-- to such a reader everything in this volume will be perfectly clear and comprehensible. In the attack on Strauss he will immediately detect the germ of the whole of Nietzsche’s subsequent attitude towards too hasty contentment and the foolish beatitude of the 'easily pleased'; in the paper on Wagner he will recognise Nietzsche the indefatigable borer, miner and underminer, seeking to define his ideals, striving after self-knowledge above all, and availing himself of any contemporary approximation to his ideal man, in order to press it forward as the incarnation of his thoughts. Wagner the reformer of mankind! Wagner the dithyrambic dramatist!--The reader who knows Nietzsche will not be misled by these expressions.

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