Queer Criminology

Queer Criminology

Megan Dennis

104,25 €
IVA incluido
The Shop Under Glad Day
Año de edición:
Derecho y procedimiento penal
104,25 €
IVA incluido
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'Queer Criminology: Exploring LGBTQ+ Experiences in the Criminal Justice System' delves into the historical and contemporary issues faced by LGBTQ+ individuals within the criminal justice system, providing a comprehensive analysis of their experiences, the intersectionality at play, and strategies for achieving justice and liberation. This groundbreaking textbook explores key concepts, theoretical frameworks, and research methods in queer criminology, shedding light on the criminalization of LGBTQ+ behaviors, the challenges they face in the court system and correctional settings, and the resistance and social justice movements advocating for change. With a keen focus on intersectionality, this book offers invaluable insights into the complexities of LGBTQ+ criminalization and provides researchers and activists with the tools to make a difference.

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