Preparing for the Great Waves of Change

Preparing for the Great Waves of Change

Marshall Vian Summers

17,47 €
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New Knowledge Library
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17,47 €
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As we open the pages of Preparing for the Great Waves of Change, we are confronted with several new challenges and concepts for us as individuals and for humanity as a whole about the world we live in and the universe around us. As a world, we are now facing two significant challenges. The first is what this book calls the 'Great Waves of Change,' which are a converging set of social, environmental, and economic forces impacting the world. These forces are the result of centuries of environmental destruction and misuse of the world which pose a major threat to the well-being of people everywhere, even in the most wealthy nations.The second is Contact with a 'Greater Community' of intelligent life in the universe. Visitation by extraterrestrial life from beyond our solar system is now underway around the world and represents a major step in the evolution of the human species and a significant challenge to our human sovereignty. We are no longer alone in the universe or even within our own world. These two realities can initially be quite shocking. Perhaps you have felt that something has changed in the world even though things may look much as they always have. If so, you are not alone. Many people all around the world are experiencing a vague or sometimes acute sense of anxiety, apprehension, and uneasiness about the future. Preparing for the Great Waves of Change is part of a larger communication received by Marshall Vian Summers from a group of spiritual teachers offering a new awareness and preparation for navigating the challenges of our rapidly changing world.Perhaps what resonates most is the practical wisdom and guidance found within these teachings, which address nearly every aspect of human existence. What is offered here is not simply a spiritual philosophy but a comprehensive roadmap for living a fulfilling and purposeful life in today’s complex world. Preparing for the Great Waves of Change is a book of teachings to help us discover what the signs of our changing world may be telling us at a deeper level. Feelings of anxiety, apprehension, and uneasiness can be indicators of a spiritual intelligence within us that is trying to get our attention and flag us down as we barrel headlong into a future that will be much more challenging.Preparing for the Great Waves of Change it is about undertaking an inner and outer preparation in our lives. But inner preparation is primary and essential in guiding our outer preparation, for we cannot stockpile enough food or barricade or arm ourselves for every eventuality. But we can develop our innate intelligence to guide our actions step by step as we face the alarming likelihood of escalating food costs and shortages, economic hardship, rising sea levels, catastrophic weather events, and conflict and war over the world’s remaining resources, all while facing competitive visitation from the universe. The preparation offered here can give us this foundation and the ability to remain calm, centered, and adaptable in the face of long-term or immediate crises. In this book, we are given much to consider and be with now and over time to unearth the movement of the world and the movement needed in our lives to position ourselves as contributors instead of casualties in this rapidly changing environment. The times now require human unity, cooperation, and immense courage and ingenuity, not from a few saintly or gifted people but from each of us all around the world from diverse cultures and life experiences. Read and explore the awareness, education, and preparation held within this book for living in and contributing to a Great Waves world.

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