Patagonia Tales

Patagonia Tales

Jorge Piccini

20,38 €
IVA incluido
Cervantes Digital
Año de edición:
20,38 €
IVA incluido
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'Patagonia Tales: Messages to the Rural Dwellers,' edited by Jorge Piccini, embarks on a captivating literary journey, seamlessly weaving together the enchanting culture and traditions of Patagonia with the boundless creativity of its contributing authors and illustrators. This anthology serves as a collection of stories, each offering a unique window into the rural life, featuring awe-inspiring landscapes, endearing characters, and the everyday challenges they encounter. However, these narratives go beyond being mere glimpses into Patagonian life; they delve into universal themes, exploring aspects such as love, friendship, solitude, family, adventure, and mystery.As you flip through the pages of this book, you’ll be introduced to a compelling cast of characters whose relatable emotions and experiences resonate deeply. The vivid illustrations that accompany each story are carefully crafted to enhance and enrich the tales, immersing readers in the heart of Patagonia. What’s more, the inclusion of QR codes and links to the original Spanish-language audiobooks for each story provides an interactive dimension to your reading experience, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the rich cultural tapestry of Argentina’s rural life.'Patagonia Tales' stands as a testament to the enduring importance of radio in the lives of rural communities, particularly within the Patagonian region. The stories within the anthology draw inspiration from the messages to rural dwellers broadcasted on Radio Nacional de la Patagonia, underlining the profound impact these messages have on isolated communities. Readers are cordially invited to embark on a thrilling exploration of vibrant Patagonian culture, where the harshness of the landscape harmoniously coexists with the warmth and solidarity of its people. This anthology is your immersive portal into the very heart and soul of Patagonia, offering a profound and evocative experience that allows you to feel the myriad sensations and emotions embedded in the region’s storytelling and artistry.

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