Life Skills for Teens and Young Adults

Life Skills for Teens and Young Adults

Anna B Joels / TBD

18,87 €
IVA incluido
Deep Healing LLC
Año de edición:
18,87 €
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Discover how to achieve financial mastery & job success without overwhelm.Are you concerned because you don’t understand all of those confusing financial terms?Are you feeling lost in the maze of adulthood?Are you worried that you will end up in your parent’s basement?In this complete guide, you will discover:What 'money management' even means and how to get started budgeting and investing now so you can feel comfortable down the road.A guide on what to do after high school - whether it’s college, a trade school, the military, or jumping straight into the working world.Tips and tricks to land your dream job, including how to interview like a pro.Important things to keep in mind about living in a digital world where even employers check Facebook and Instagram.Empowering, expert advice to turn your struggles into triumphs on the path to a thriving future.And so much more!!!If you want to supercharge your life with empowering strategies and have the keys to a thriving future, read this book!

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