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Fun & Easy! Korean - English Picture Dictionary

Fun & Easy! Korean - English Picture Dictionary

Fun & Easy! Korean - English Picture Dictionary

Fandom Media

12,86 €
IVA incluido
New Ampersand Publishing
Año de edición:
Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas (distintas del inglés)
12,86 €
IVA incluido
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Want to build and expand your Korean vocabulary? Look no further - Fun & Easy! Korean - English Picture Dictionary provides an exciting and effective way to learn over 1,000 Korean words and expressions, through fun illustrations and detailed descriptions that are easy to memorize.Want to build and expand your Korean vocabulary? Lookno further - Fun & Easy! Korean - English Picture Dictionaryprovides an exciting and effective way to learn over 1,000 Korean wordsand expressions, through fun illustrations and detailed descriptionsthat are easy to memorize.Whether you are 5 or 100, this fully illustrated Fun & Easy!Korean-English Picture Dictionary makes building Korean vocabulary soeasy, stimulating,intuitive, and entertaining! With over 1,000 essential words and expressions presented along with the vibrant illustrationsthat will help you remember key terms and phrases.The book contains:* Each term is categorized and illustrated, and accompanied by the Korean term and English translation.* Useful expressions incorporating the words so you can actually practice and use them in real life conversations.You will learn essential Korean words and expressions in the following topics:Body / Home / Household Items/ Supermarket/ People/ Family/ Emotions/ Transportation / Sports/ Animals/ Birds/ Insects/ Fish/Marine Life/ Reptiles/Amphibians/ Plants/Fruits Nuts/Vegetables/ School/ Solar System / Outdoors/ Colors/ Apparel/Accessories/ Female Products/ Male Products/ Restaurant/ Food/Beverage/ Calendar/ Seasons/Weather/ Places/ ThingsIdeal for students of all age interested in learning Korean!

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