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Essential Oils - The Ultimate Resource

Essential Oils - The Ultimate Resource

Essential Oils - The Ultimate Resource

Amy Zulpa

7,55 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Familia y salud
7,55 €
IVA incluido
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Essential oils have been a staple of mankind’s health and well-being down through the ages - and never more so than now. In her book 'Essential Oils - The Ultimate Resource', Amy Zulpa sets out to explain, in clear and simple language, which oils carry which benefits, how to choose between genuine and fake oils, and how to buy, store and blend the most beneficial of the essential oils. 'Essential Oils - The Ultimate Resource' is a book that provides the reader with immediate solutions to everyday problems. It could be for the relief of aches and pains or to help rejuvenate the skin or sustain hair healt. Yes, there is an essential oil out there that can help with that. Essential oils are not new and they have been in use for thousands of years by those who believe in using natural remedies as opposed to the chemically based ones that can come with so many side effects. The book is great for home use and serves as an introductory text to essential oils.

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