Chinese Grammar

Chinese Grammar

Chinese Grammar

Abel D Schoeman

20,21 €
IVA incluido
A.D. Schoeman Publishing
Año de edición:
Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas (distintas del inglés)
20,21 €
IVA incluido
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Grammar Is An Essential Part Of Language Learning.To study Chinese can be very rewarding, but at times the concepts can seem rather complicated and overwhelming.This book is written in a way that simplifies the learning process and that presents Chinese Grammar in a package that’s easy for non-native speakers to understand. It doesn’t have to be hard; it all depends on how you approach it.Learning Mandarin Chinese grammar is essential for several reasons:Understanding Structure: Grammar provides the structure for constructing sentences in Mandarin Chinese.Clarity and Precision: Proper grammar helps convey your thoughts accurately and clearly.Comprehension: Learning grammar enables you to understand what others are saying or writing.Expression: Knowing grammar allows you to express yourself more fluently and creatively.Cultural Understanding: Grammar is intertwined with culture and worldview. By learning Chinese grammar, you’ll gain insight into Chinese culture, values, and ways of thinking.Integration: Grammar is foundational for integrating new vocabulary and language skills.Proficiency: Mastery of grammar is crucial for achieving proficiency in Mandarin Chinese. It allows you to progress from basic language skills to more advanced levels.This book is perfect for any beginner student new to Mandarin and will suit any home-school curriculum as well. With 50 Units in total, each unit introduces the grammar pattern, explains the application, provides basic examples and offers five simple practice questions. It is the ideal reference guide for new students who just recently embarked on their Mandarin Chinese journey and as such it is the perfect addition to a Chinese homeschool curriculum.

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